Exciting News!

We shall soon be making some significant redevelopments to the practice, involving the construction of a new consultation room, office, staff room, a newly refurbished reception desk and reception flooring!

The scheduled build start date is Saturday 22nd September, and it is anticipated that this will last approximately 3 to 4 weeks.

Unfortunately, there may be some disruptions to our service during this time, and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused. Please follow us on Facebook for updates.

We shall also be temporarily losing our food storage shelves in the waiting area whilst construction is underway, and so stock levels are likely to be kept low. Please provide 24 hours notice for food orders, and collect the following day if possible.

Orders can either be placed in person, over the telephone, or via email to;


Thank you for your understanding and co-operation during this time.

We shall look forward to sharing our new ‘look’ with you very soon!

And thank you as always for your custom.

- The Congleton Team